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Can We Trust the Bible?

January 29, 2012 by


There has always been a battle for the Bible. Church history is plagued with deviant views on the topic.1 Can we trust the Bible?  Ever since the Bible was written its authority has been questioned and oftentimes cast aside.  It seems that every time the Bible is discussed in the news, movies, TV shows, and […]

Staying Close to God

January 20, 2012 by


We have all gone through periods in our Christian life where we felt a distance between us and God. In our world today we are so consumed with preoccupation it is almost impossible for us to sit still, much less to be able to still our minds enough for prayer. There is one thing that […]

Eternal Security

January 18, 2012 by


What are we looking for in a relationship? We are all like lost sheep, helpless and can’t defend ourselves. So we look for someone who will provide us security. Someone who will provide us food and lodging and protect us when we need be. Someone who will always be there for us no matter what. […]

A Search for Happiness

January 13, 2012 by


The three things all of us search for are inner peace, happiness and joy. The more knowledge that we acquire, the less common sense we seem to have.  The more financial security we gain,  the more insecure we become. We have the world at our fingertips to enjoy, yet we are less satisfied and content […]

Regeneration of Your Mind

January 8, 2012 by


Too many times we have built barriers in our mind that prevent our own happiness. Whether it is failed relationships, things we’ve done that we haven’t forgiven ourselves for or anger we hang onto because of someone that has mistreated us in the past. We need to let these things go. What we say and […]

Our Relationships With Each Other

January 7, 2012 by


I have a fairly interesting story. My Mom was raised in an orphanage and my Dad grew up during the depression. Both are extremely conservative and I was drilled daily to be independent and to never trust anyone. I lived in a large travel trailer the first six years of my life and we moved […]

It’s All About the Change

January 7, 2012 by


The word in the Bible that describes this change is “Repentance”.  True repentance is feeling sorry for the sins we have committed against God.  It is the turning away from those sins and turning toward God. It is not  a fear of the consequences of sin or the fear of God. True repentance in the […]