Browsing All Posts filed under »Romans«

The Overcomers

December 6, 2013 by


To defeat. To successfully deal with or gain control of. To gain superiority. To get the better of a conflict. To overpower or overwhelm in body or mind.  To be able to control our mind and body through our moral understanding of why God created us. We were placed on this earth not by any […]

Why God became Man

December 6, 2013 by


Everything in the universe is created of positive and negative forces which balance each other. Atoms, electricity, gravity l involve by opposing forces. Perhaps you have heard it said many times that it sounds like a cliché, “opposites attract and likes repel each other.” This fundamental principle of charged interactions can be found throughout the universe. […]

Basics of Christianity

September 7, 2013 by


Our Father The very first thing I want to tell you about is your Father. No, I’m not talking about your dad. I am talking about your Heavenly Father who created you.  He created you an individual like no other in this universe and never will be. A person with a will, emotions and character […]

Sharing Christ with Others

May 1, 2013 by


We live in a country with almost unlimited Christian resources. There seems to be a church on every corner. Christian schools, bookstores, radio stations and opportunities for every walk of life. However, the Christian faith is losing ground every single day. Our churches are dying, our stores are closing and countless opportunities go unclaimed because  […]

What the Bible says about Homosexuality

April 30, 2013 by


  I am going to write this article in reverse. I will give you the answer before we explore the question.  The reason for this is it is important for all of us to understand where we stand with God. The Bible says in Romans 2:1-3 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are […]

Why Do We Suffer

April 30, 2013 by


Candace was a healthy 8 year who loved playing sports. She was very competitive and generally gave the boys a fit. I called her my little tom boy. She came home one afternoon complaining of a stomachache. We didn’t pay much attention to it until she complained about it for 3 or 4 days straight. […]

The Millennial Generation and the New Testament Church

May 2, 2012 by


The New Testament was written in ancient Greek.  “Ecclesia” the church. It means “called out” is a body of people called out by the power of God through the Holy Spirit to share with the wounded world the good news of Jesus Christ.  People that believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God believe, […]

Now is the Time

February 1, 2012 by


It seemed like when we were growing up, a day at school went on forever. An hour in church  would never end. I believe that I have actually seen a preacher stop time, or at least it felt like it. Time does pass faster with high school and then even faster with college. Once college […]

Staying Close to God

January 20, 2012 by


We have all gone through periods in our Christian life where we felt a distance between us and God. In our world today we are so consumed with preoccupation it is almost impossible for us to sit still, much less to be able to still our minds enough for prayer. There is one thing that […]

A Search for Happiness

January 13, 2012 by


The three things all of us search for are inner peace, happiness and joy. The more knowledge that we acquire, the less common sense we seem to have.  The more financial security we gain,  the more insecure we become. We have the world at our fingertips to enjoy, yet we are less satisfied and content […]